Off on your own big adventure but don’t know where to begin or feeling a bit overwhelmed? I know theres a lot to think about – logistics, admin, social media, kit, nutrition, where to sleep, languages, funding – and that’s all before you’ve even stepped out of the door!

I love crossing things off lists, researching, checking out the available options and pulling the pieces together. So if you’re trying to plan it all, whilst doing your full time job, whilst socialising, whilst training, whilst contemplating what you actually want to do with your life then why not give yourself a bit of a break and let me help!

In my former life I’ve worked as a construction site manager, a project manager and an events coordinator (and numerous other roles!) so I have had a bit of practise at this! I’ve also realised I absolutely love learning so if I don’t know the answer I’m going to read and read until I do! I’m also lucky enough to know some pretty cool people so chances are someone will have done something similar and will be able to offer really sound advice.

Get in touch!

9 + 5 =