Pamela has set herself a great challenge of learning to swim underwater. As she explained to me she’s terrified of putting her face in the water and not being able to breathe so this is a amazing hurdle to overcome, go Pamela!
What is your Birthday Challenge?
I am planning to learn to swim underwater, I currently am terrified of getting my face wet when I swim let alone put by head underwater so its a very big challenge for me.
Are there any significant milestones, achievements, or obstacles that might stop you in your gallop?
I think my main obstacle is actually getting to the swimming pool in cold weather!
What are you most looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to being able to swim underwater without panicking, I think it might impact on other areas of my life too, helping me to feel more in control and feeling good about having achieved something quite big.
Is there anything about it that worries you?
I’m worried I might drown! Well I know I won’t but not being able to breathe does terrify me.
Pamela is currently full of motivation and is already looking into local swimming teachers so I’m convinced those chilly bus rides to the pool won’t stop her. Pamela‘s Birthday is on the 23rd of May so she will be all set up for a summer of underwater swimming when the nicer weather comes along.